A 1931 quote with reference to President Hoover from The Unemployed, "People expect too much of Hoover anyhow. Of what use is an engineer when the locomotive is off the track?". Sound familiar?
I am concerned about our country. How about you? Are you tired of ever increasing unemployment, wondering how far away your turn is? Are you tired of our country spending money we don't have on things outside our country when so much hurting and suffering is going on here at home? I love America, for in spite of her problems she is to date still the best place in the world to live. Question is, at the rate we are going, how long can we remain in the number one position. Our national debt is out of control. We complain about unfair wages in some other countries when we have workers here with minimum wages as low as $5.15 per hour with all the cost of supporting home and family. When your company started laying off what do you think happened to those who lost their jobs? Many of them no longer have unemployment, have not been able to secure another job, have lost their homes, families have fallen apart, lives have been lost and more. When will your company bring the pink slip to your best friend, your spouse, or you? How long can you survive without that regular paycheck. When will we stop believing the lies candidates tell to get elected when we know they only want to win at any cost. Why don't we require that one of the key qualifications candidates have is a demonstrated, proven love of our country with her best interest at heart. We need to realize before it's too late that each has his/her own agenda which Does Not include you and me. Is America Cracked? Is She Broken? Can She Save Herself? My answers to these questions and more at our next writing. What's your take on these questions? Shorties Thoughts © KC and Shortie , August 15, 2011 http://www.shortiesvintagetreasures.com
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